Sunday, January 6, 2008

difference between nobodies and somebodies...

i am a nobody...
i like being one and wil continue being one...

being a nobody... nobody pay attention to you except the nobodies which you usually hangs out with...
Unlike a nobody, somebodies get all the attention they want... maybe sometimes even more then they really want... even if the somebody is highly unpopular... people will still do alot just to know about everything of them... (usually thru gossip..)

being a somebody... even without the lifestyle of the rich and famous... you still have a status somewhere...
being a nobody... even with all those 'ka-chings' piled up at your backyard... you're still nothing compared to a sombody...

Somebodies rule... NObodies dont...
cuz im someone who chooses water over wine(wine= yucky yucky YUCKY liquid...blearghs...i prefer vodka or beer or shandy...but whatever...nobody listen to a nobody speaking...[or blogging for this case...]
... i wanna be a nobody... and stay that way forever... and EVER...